EVENTS near the Glacial Drumlin Trail

Latest Past Events

Cottage Grove Classics Car Show

Main Street, Cottage Grove 218 Main Street, Cottage Grove

The Cottage Grove Classics Car Show features hundreds of cars and motorcycles, live music, great food and drinks from 1855 Saloon and Grill. Grab some door prizes and help support the show by entering in our fun raffles and games. Cool down the kids with our most popular car - the ICE CREAM TRUCK and...


Annual Firemen’s Festival, Cottage Grove

Fireman's Park 220 Grove Street, Cottage Grove

Our Cottage Grove Firemen's Festival is 4 days of fun for the whole family Father's Day weekend since 1931. Food, entertainment, music, and more!

Christmas in the Grove, Cottage Grove

Lake Ridge Bank 341 W Cottage Grove Rd., Cottage Grove

We will kick off the weekend with pictures with Santa at Lake Ridge Bank from 3:30-6pm. Then head over to the Holiday Lights Chamber Parade at 7pm on Main Street!! Holiday porch pot and wreath auction is now open! Stop by the Piggly Wiggly in Cottage Grove to bid on them. All were donated by...


Have an upcoming event near the Glacial Drumlin Trail you’d like to see featured here? Let us know and we’ll try to include it!